Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nature vs. Man-Made

In Earth, there two indisputable wonders that cover its surface with unprecedented beauty and complete amazement. Yet these two constantly go against each other since both can not be in the same place, at the same time. Unfortunately, one or the other has to emerge victorious, taking the losers place entirely. These two foes are nature and man made objects. For centuries, architects and engineers have fought in the minds for solutions to this great problem. Although it seems as if nature is fighting a losing battle, there are many great examples of how the human mind creates new ways for nature and man made objects to exist together in harmony. 

As humans, we have a certain universal ambition. Some more then others, of course, but in one way or another we constantly aspire to be better, to be bigger, and to have more. Even the person who says that he or she is humble still has ambition, to be even more humble perhaps. But, no matter how, that certain trait of humanity can still be seen in that person. It is this ambition that has caused the rise of many cities, empires, kingdoms, and countries, along with their technology and architecture. Sadly, this same ambition has caused many of those once great group of people to decline and fall. But, even after their fall, these empires, cities, and kingdoms remain alive through what they left behind. 

Architecture, in my opinion, is the mean through which human beings display their capacity and, in many ways, their greatness. When a person stands at the foot of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, it is almost certain that a level of amazement will flow through their body, arousing millions of questions. The first, probably, of all is: How? It is is for these reasons, and many more, that I have chosen to pick and highlight certain architectural wonders, and, allow my readers to see what I see every time I stare at a work of architecture. I wish to inspire in others perhaps not necessarily the desire to become an architect, as how I wish to be, but to plant a seed of self belief. I wish to inspire others, with visual evidence, to believe in themselves, because the human mind is capable of wonders. 

1 comment:

  1. You’ve brought up a good point in fight between humans and nature from an architectural standpoint. It’s interesting to note that for the longest time, architects rarely incorporated nature into the design of their buildings. Now we’re seeing nature incorporated on a regular basis because of the green movement. Architecture is one of the greatest artistic mediums around, with the ability to create just about anything within a 3D environment. You’ve done an excellent job drawing interest into your topic. I suppose my only suggestion for improvement is to simply read your posts aloud to yourself. I find it helps with the flow of words when writing. Other than that, keep up the good work.
