Wednesday, April 23, 2014

All Things Must Come to an End

This, I believe, is my final post after going through a new and very interesting adventure. I call this all of this time that I have been blogging and adventure because it is something I would have never thought of doing on my own. In my bucket-list, blogging was definitely in the same section as 'swimming with a shark' or 'riding an elephant'. It was one of those things that I certainly wanted to try out eventually, but wasn't really looking forward to it in a near future. Nevertheless here I am. Over a dozen posts later trying to think what my real thoughts on blogging are. And to be honest, it was a surprisingly good experience. I believe that I have learned a whole lot researching and reading other bloggers. I have found valuable information that normal research would have not allowed me to find, such as being able to personally interact with architects who periodically blog.

With this said, I do not think that I will be blogging in the near future. I  have learned that blogging takes time. Time which I do not have plenty of. In my case, college combined with work, plus extracurricular activities did not leave me with a sufficient amount of time to do an extensive amount of research and write fully edited posts. I will, however, reconsider the idea of blogging later on in the future. After college, and possibly after my career is stable. It will be until then that I will resume my blogging career, but for now I must say good bye.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud when I read that you catalogued blogging with swimming with sharks and riding elephants...which, for me, would surely be more anxiety-inducing. You are the first of the finale posts to mention your experience interacting with your community--and this is one of the main goals I had for the course. I'm glad you had a positive experience!
